Date posted: 23.09.19

We can all do our bit in helping make a cleaner,  more sustainable world. You don’t need to be a large company, you don’t need to be a celebrity with millions of followers on social media (although that can certainly help).  

As a company we have invested a large amount of time and money in making all our wood burning stoves Ecodesign Ready. All our gas and electric fires have evolved over time also, to ensure they represent the highest efficiency and environmental consideration. Despite selling our credentials, there is only so much we can do. There is only so much any company can do. To make change on a global scale we need full commitment from both companies, government bodies and private individuals….

Here is what you can do…..

  1. Reduce air travel. Air travel contributes to significant global warming. On average a plane produces 90kg of carbon per hour.
  2. Drive less. Where possible try and walk or cycle. Even if you do this once a month, if everyone did this, there would be a significant contribution towards cleaner air. If walking or cycling is not an option, then look at car sharing. Many companies promote this for employees. Apart from it’s green credentials, it could also save you money (and even allow you a cheeky nap when being driven into work!). 
  3. Buy less stuff. This covers so many things, in practically all areas. From shopping  – try and reuse containers and say NO to single use plastic. Recycle clothes, don’t throw as many things away. Can you make do with what you have.
  4. White Bags. The pigment in black bags is not biodegradable.  Switch to white for a more environmentally focused use of waste bags.
  5. Better Insulate…Your home. This can save you a lot of money and do wonders for your homes green credentials.
  6. Turn your thermostat down – Reducing your thermostat temperature by just 1 degree will have a positive effect on your heating bills and energy usage. 
  7. Plant some trees. Just one small tree absorbs around 13 lbs of Co2 each year. A 10 year old tree releases enough oxygen to support the carbon emissions of 2 people (on average). 

Interesting facts about CO2 (Carbon Dioxide):

Fact #1: In a 12 month period, the world emits 33 billion tones of CO2. This amount of CO2 if it was to fit into a box, would be around 28km on each side. 

Fact #2: Despite CO2 being formed by energy and transportation, deforestation is a major cause of CO2 emissions, as there is less trees to absorb it. 

Fact #3: From 2003 to 2008, around 2 trillion tones of ice in Greeland, Antartica and Alaska have melted due to global warming.

Fact #4: Because of global warming, world temperatures could rise by 6.4 degrees in the 21 century.


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