It may not be particularly warm for June. However, this will no doubt change as we venture into summer. As manufacturers of fires and stoves, we have a very good idea of how to keep you warm in winter months. However, very rarely do any fire or stove manufacturers advise on how to stay cool in the summer, which is a little unfortunate considering the last few years of extreme heatwaves.
Stay cool with these tips this summer:
Cold Water: Run cold water over your wrists for two minutes every hour. Alternatively, put your hands up to your wrists in cold water for the same duration. The cold water can help lower your blood temperature a little.
Run Ceiling Fans Anti-Clockwise: Clockwise ceiling fans create an updraft and force warm air down, which is not ideal in the summer. So make sure your ceiling fan runs anti-clockwise to stay cooler.
Icy Flannels: Roll up some damp flannels and place them in the fridge. They are great to cool you down and refresh you when you get too hot.
Avoid Exercise: Hot weather is a great excuse not to go for that jog. Exercise raises the core temperature, and on a hot day, will cause increased perspiration and potential dehydration. If you want to take exercise outside, do so later in the day after the sun has gone down – or early in the morning.
Cotton: Wear light-coloured cotton clothes. Heat can be trapped by synthetic fibres, making them far from ideal on a hot day.
Cellars: Not practical if you are at work on a hot day, or of course, if you don’t have one, but if you do, a cellar is around 12-15 degrees cooler than upstairs, so it makes a great place to retreat to when it gets too hot.
Pillows: Sleep on a feather or down pillow with a cotton pillowcase. Synthetic pillows tend to retain heat in the same way synthetic fibres in clothes do. You can also put your pillow in a bag and put in the fridge throughout the day, and take out before you go to bed.
Curtains: Draw your curtains when you are out, they will help keep the heat out, and will help towards a lower room temperature when you arrive home.
Tepid Bath/Shower: It may be tempting to take a cold bath or shower. However, the body can compensate from the cold by creating additional heat. A tepid bath will cool you but not cause your body to enter this compensation mode.
Mentholatum Ice Patches: These patches are superb in hot weather. They reduce the skin temperature when applied to skin.
Avoid Big Meals: Try and stick to smaller meals more often. This will help keep you cooler as digestion uses energy and generates body heat.

The summer days are probably the least likely time of the year when you are thinking about a new fire or stove. However, it’s probably the best time to be looking.
You are more likely to find your ideal stove or fire in stock, have the widest choice of installation dates, and also quite possibly find the best deals in your area.
Start your search today and download one of our brochures.