Date posted: 10.10.18

The push towards cleaner, greener ways to heat and power homes, and have a more sustainable existence is starting to show positive results.

According to enAppSys, who specialise in processing market data, show that fossil fuels delivered only 41% of the power mix in the three months to end of September 2018. 

Solar power was up 23%, while wind generation increased 8% and biomass increased 19% in 2018.

Impressive and encouraging results!

In comparison to this, coal and gas fired power stations produced just under 27 terawatt hours, which is a unit of power equal to one million million watts, which is equal to only 41% of the UK’s total power mix. 

This is a landmark, which indicates for the first time, low carbon sources share of the power mix has exceeded 50%, during the third quarter of the year. There has been a drop in the use of fossil fuel power. Just 5 years ago, fossil fuel’s share of power stood at 60%, while the third quarter of 2010, saw coal and gas fulfil just under 74% of demand. 

12 Years to Save The Planet!

We have only very recently spoke about the importance of cleaner, more environmentally friendly ways to heat and light a home, due to the fact that we reportedly only have 12 years to stop the globe getting too hot. This full article can be seen here

The Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement’s main aim is to increase the global response to the threat of climate change, by helping ensure a global temperature rise this century is kept well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and to help limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

The Paris Agreement will have already played a key role in the drive towards more renewable energy in the UK, and other countries. However, there is still lots more to do. Apart from supporting renewable energy power stations, you can also:

* Use an Ecodesign Ready stove – for a more sustainable way to heat your home with fire wood (well, we had to mention that!)
* Use your car less – or switch to electric power if it’s realistic for your needs.
* Aim to lower your electricity bills, by turning off lights in rooms you’re not using, and switching off appliances when they are not in use. 
* Ensure your home is as well insulted as it can be. 
The list can go on – but if we all decide to make changes, even small changes – collectively we will be able to help keep global warming at bay. We only have a matter of time to do this.






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