Date posted: 07.08.18

The average sized living room in the UK has reduced in size by over 30% according to research conducted by LABC Warranty. This comparison compares newly built homes against homes built in the 1970’s. Many new homes have no fire focal point either, such as a chimney and fire. New homes are also incredibly efficient.

The above points are all credible reasons why there is a rise in the electric fire market place. With shrinking living space, no facility for immediate installation for a stove or gas fire, and high levels of efficiency in insulation, many people in smaller, new build properties can’t or perhaps don’t want to buy a traditional gas fire or wood burning stove.

An electric fire is a great alternative, as they can be located almost anywhere, and they can also be switched on to just provide a flame effect, without the need for heat. 

With the launch of electric fires such as the 4D Ecoflame, there has never been as much choice with electric fires as there is now. Whether you want a hang on the wall, or an electric fire that is built into the wall, you can be sure there is an electric fire for you. 

There are a number of reasons why people go for electric over gas fires, apart from the points stated above, which include:

1. No gas supply where they live – often found in rural locations
2. No gas facility in their home for secondary heating
3. They prefer using electric as there is less need for appliance servicing

The Benefits of an Electric Fire from Charlton & Jenrick:

1. Select from traditional inset fires or hang-on-the-wall fires
2. Mix and match frets and trims to suit your room
3. Various fuel bed to select
4. Freedom to locate the fire wherever there is a power supply 
5. Low watt usage

As many electric fires are purchased as aesthetically pleasing visual points to a room, they are not always purchased as a heating only source. With this in mind, sales of electric fires are not fully subject to the usual peaks and troughs associated with other fires, which are more heating only focussed. This means the chances of having to wait for an out of stock fire in peak season should be greatly reduced! 

You can browse our range of electric (and gas/stoves) via our online gallery



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