Date posted: 18.05.16

In the past it was recommended that you should light your wood burning stove adopting a “bottom-up” method.

This traditional method involved placing all fuel, including wood logs above the ignition zone, so when you light the kindling – the ignition, it would burn and then ignite the logs above. However, there is a more efficient way – the “top-down” method.

The Top-Down Method

The top-down method is a more efficient way to light and help ensure a quicker temperature build-up . Here is how you can do the top-down method:

1. Place a small number of logs (2 or 3) horizontally next to each other on the bottom of the firebox

2. One ignition block is placed onto the logs

3. The kindling is placed crosswire on top, using around 4 sticks

4. Make sure all dampers are fully open

5. The ignition block is then ignited

An ignition block burns steadily for 5 to 7 minutes and provides constant ignition heat while enough combustion air can uninhibitedly passes to the flames and to the already ignited wood.
The top-down method leads to a faster temperature build-up in the area where it is needed, and less fuel is actively used in the ignition process. For more info on stoves and how to make the most of them visit our essential stove guides here



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